How to Choose the Best Water Treatment System or Water Filter System for Your Home
What is the best water treatment system for your home? Should you use a water treatment system or a water filter to get the water you want? In this video, Sugar Land Master Plumber Bryan Graham talks about the options and describes what each option achieves. The best way for you to choose the right water treatment option for your home is to call Graham Plumbing Services at 281-302-6710 and schedule an appointment for a free estimate. Our service technician can recommend a system that will meet your needs based on the water you’re getting from your city and the kind of water you want to have in your home.
Here’s Bryan Graham talking about the various water treatment and water filter systems.
This is a summary of Bryan’s water treatment systems video.
[Bryan] So a lot of people will call us and, and ask about water filtration. You know, people call me and say, ‘Hey, I need a water softener,’ or, ‘Hey, I need a R.O. system, you know, put in our house.’ Usually my, my first question to that customer is what are you looking for. We need to figure out what, what it is that you’re trying to accomplish by putting a filter.
Some, for some people, you know, they just wanna keep the, the debris coming in from the city or whatever comes in, and so they need a simple whole house filter. They don’t need the softener or whatever. Some people actually like the soft water, and so they’ll want a softener. A softener’s good for if you’re washing clothes, your soap will go a long way, if you’re shampooing your hair, you don’t have to use as much soap to clean stuff. It keeps the scale and debris out of your water heater. It keeps it out of your, your faucets. It keeps it off of the windows if you have a real nice glass window enclosure, like in your shower.
And so that’s what a softener does. Some people don’t like that, having to add salt, or the feel of the softener. Some people feel like, with that, that you could never wash the soap off your arms. So for those people, a lot of times we’ll suggest maybe putting in a de-scaler versus a softener. We sell a Crystal Flow de-scaler, which is a salt-free system, and it basically does the same thing where you don’t get the scale and the debris,inside your shower fixtures, and in your water heater, but it doesn’t do anything for the washing clothes and the soap. You know, it doesn’t do anything to change the water. So that’s sometimes an option if your main goal is to protect your plumbing fixtures, and maybe not have to clean the glass so much in your shower.
A whole house filter catches the sediment coming in from the city, you know we can put in just a plain whole house filter. It’s actually what I have on my house. It just catches whatever trash or, or, or gunk comes in from the city.
If what you’re looking for is something for drinking water only, we recommend putting in an R.O. system. So an R.O. system will bring, bring that water down to pretty pure, and usually that’ll have just a little spigot right on top of your kitchen sink, and, and you can get bottled water quality right out of your kitchen tap.
Also we can run a line usually over to your ice maker at your fridge or something like that, and then you can get clean water at your ice cubes. Something like that, you only have to change the filters every three to six months, depending on water quality. And then the actual R.O. filter, you, you only have to change it every couple years.
Please call Graham Plumbing Services at 281-302-6710 for advice about the right water treatment system for your home. We’re an A+ rated member of the Houston Better Business Bureau.