Does your tankless water heater suddenly cut out on you? You’re in the shower and suddenly your warm water is replaced by cold water! Call 281-302-6710 to get it fixed.
It could be caused by the temperature setting of your tankless water heater. Master Plumber Bryan Graham explains why that happens and how to fix it in this video.
Summary of Setting the Temperature of Your Tankless Water Heater
Sometimes people call in because their tankless water heater keeps cutting on and off. Most of the time we find that when we go out there that the water heater is set too hot.
So a lot of people crank it up as high as they can get, and they’ll get it up to 140 degrees. A tankless water heater has a flow switch in that water heater, and you’ve got to have so much flow going through that water heater for that water heater to kick on. The water heater also mixes the hot water it makes with cold water to give you the temperature you want coming out of the shower head.
Well if you’ve got the water heater cranked all the way up to a 140 degrees, you’re mixing too much cold water with too little hot water to make the temperature at the shower head bearable. So you’re getting a low flow coming into that water heater.
To fix that you can drop that water heater down to a lower temperature. Really you’re supposed to have it at 120 degrees, but I know a lot of people like hotter water.
If you keep it at around 130 degrees, that’s as hot as you’ll ever need for a shower. The 140 degree setting is more for a commercial application and not for home showers.
If you change the temperature setting to 120 degrees or at most 130 degrees, you’ll actually mix more hot water in when you’re talking a shower. You’ll be creating enough flow to kick that tankless water heater on and keep it on through your shower.
Awesome service!! They were at my house in less than an hour to look at my water heater. Benjamin was super polite and professional, he went the extra mile and called the manufacturer and got them to send out replacement parts under warranty as soon as possible. He made sure I had hot water to get me by until the parts arrived, I’m so impressed, best customer service ever!
Lona Howell
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We’re Service Plumbers Too!
Our plumbers are trained to service as well as replace your water heater. Sometimes just changing the temperature setting can fix the problem with your tankless water heater. Call us at 281-302-6710 to check your water heater or click the button below.