Call 281-302-6710 for information about our shower repair services or to schedule an appointment to repair your shower. In this video, Sugar Land Master Plumber Bryan Graham talks about the various types of shower repair, including replacing the shower pan, repairing a shower faucet, repairing a leak behind the wall and removing the calcium buildup in the shower head. Graham Plumbing Services is rated A+ by the Houston Better Business Bureau and has been serving Sugar Land and surrounding cities since 2006.
Summary of the Shower Repair Services Video
So there’re a couple of different things that can go wrong with a shower. If the shower pan is leaking there’s not much repairing. It’s pretty much yanking the shower pan out, which is going to involve removing tile. At that point, you’re looking at getting a new shower. Some people like that. Some people are happy. They’re ready to get a new shower.
Some people are, like, “Oh, my God, if we got to break this thing out of here.” If it’s a fixture and the fixture is leaking, there could be a cartridge that’s bad.
If the shower head is running — it’s constantly running — we can yank the cartridge out and put a new cartridge in. If it’s leaking somewhere on the wall, we may have to cut some sheet rock on the back of the wall to replace that valve.
Water was gushing from our shower head and you came quickly after we called. You fixed the problem at a reasonable cost. Thanks!
Evelyn B.
IX Brand Reviewability ReviewAgain, going back to the water filters. If you have a lot of calcium you can get a calcium build-up in your shower head. There’s not much I can do for that. We can either replace the shower head, or you can yank that shower head off and maybe soak in a vinegar solution and try to get it cleaned out then put it back on.
If you have questions about this video or any aspect of our shower repair services, please call us at 281-302-6710. Graham Plumbing Services guarantees its work and provides guaranteed written estimates for most types of projects, including shower repair services. We also offer 24/7 emergency service to our customers. Check the reviews and testimonials we’ve received over the years.
Don’t Let a Leak Go Unrepaired
An unrepaired shower leak can lead to the growth of black mold in your shower. Call us at 281-302-6710 or click the button to get your shower fixed.